Lemon Cheesecake With Choco Topping

Sementara tengah banyak lemon kat rumah ni, macam-macam resepi lemon nak dibuatnya.. 😛  Last weekend I tried this recipe from here. But I think I should have put more lemon rind to taste the lemon flavor. I also doubled the cooking chocolate to balance the cheese. Apa pun habis cake sampai tak cukup budak2 ni nak lagi.. 😀

The marble dah jadi caca-marba.. eheheh

Here are the recipe..Enjoy!

Lemon Cheesecake with Choco Topping

Source: http://kuali.com/recipes/view.aspx?r=132

Source: Nuridah@fiqah99.blogspot.com


    • 225g cream cheese, at room temperature
    • 60g butter
    • 80g castor sugar
    • ¾ tsp vanilla essence
    • ½ tsp grated lemon rind (1tbsp if prefer lemon taste)
    • 1 egg yolk
    • 1 whole egg
    • 80g plain flour
    • ¾ tsp baking powder
    • ½ tsp salt
    • 4 tbsp UHT milk
    • 1 egg white
    • ¾ tbsp castor sugar
    • 25g cooking chocolate (I used 50g)


Grease, line and grease again a 18cm round baking tin. Preheat oven at 170°c.

Cream butter, cream cheese, sugar, essence and lemon rind. Beat in egg yolk and egg, beating well in between additions. Fold in flour, alternating it with the milk. Beat the egg white and sugar until just stiff then fold into the creamed mixture with a spatula. Mix until well combined.

Melt cooking chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl on power high for 20 / 30 seconds. Remove bowl and stir well. Leave to cool. Take 1 tablespoon of cooled melted chocolate and mix with 2 tablespoons creamed mixture.

Turn out creamed mixture into prepared tin and pour over this the chocolate mixture.using the pointed end of a chopstick, swirl the surface of the top layer around until a marble effect is created for the topping.

Bake for 50 – 60 minutes, baine marie style. (place baking tin over a larger tin filled up to a third with hot water.) after baking, remove the tin with the water but leave the cheesecake in the oven with the oven door ajar.

Moist cheesecake..


Till the next update, good day! 🙂



Death by Chocolate Cake

death by chocolate cake

yupp..it’s the name of the cake I made for Alima’s birthday last week.. 😛  But really the taste are sooo yummy.. the cake very moist and full..  🙂  Will surely do more of this chocolate cake .. Got the recipe from Myresipi by mrsdayat. Thank you for your recipe.. I’ll paste the recipe as it is..  Enjoy the cake!

Bahan-bahan ( loyang 9″ )

  • 2 cwn gula (kisar) – I used 1 cup caster sugar. I didn’t blend
  • 2 cwn tepung (ayak)
  • 3 biji telur grade A
  • 1 cwn koko powder
  • 1 cwn susu cair- I used fresh milk
  • 1 cwn minyak(sy gune butter cair)- I used butter ~ 150gm
  • 1 cwn air panas didih
  • 1 tsp soda bikarbonat
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp esen vanila
  • **utk ganache**
  • 2 cwn non dairy whipping cream
  • 500g cooking chocolate
  • 1/8 cwn golden syrup
  • ##utk whipped cream
  • 1 cwn non dairy whipping cream


  1. tepung +koko powder+soda bikarbonat+baking powder di ayak bersama
  2. pukul gula dan telur sampai kembang, tambahkan esen vanila
  3. masukkan susu dan minyak/butter cair dlm adunan,kacau sebati
  4. masukkan bahan2 yg diayak (cara 1) kedalam adunan. gaul dgn cara kaup balik
  5. last skali masukkan air panas..kacau sebati
  6. bakar selama 45 minit pd suhu 175-180degree. bule juga kukus slame lebih kurang 1 jam
  7. **utk ganache**
  8. dlm mangkuk kecil, didihkan whipping cream
  9. bila dah didih,padam api…dan masukkan cooking choc. kacau sebati
  10. tambahkan golden syrup
  11. ambil 1 cwn ganache..bakinya simpan dlm peti sjuk
  12. ##utk whipped cream..pukul 1 cwn whipping cream sampai muncul soft peak, kemudian tuangkan 1 cwn choc ganache yg di ambil dr langkah sblum ini. kacau sebati
  13. kek yg dah siap..di potong tgh2. sapukan dgn whipped cream dari step di atas.kemudian lapiskan dgn kek yg separuh lg..sapu hingga menutupi keseluruhan kek.kemudian..simpan dlm peti sejuk lebih kurang 30 minit
  14. ambil kek yg dh disapu whipped cream td,sapukan pula dgn ganache yg kita dh simpan dlm peti(rujuk step 11).simpan semula dlm peti lebih kurang 30 minit

masih amatur lagi buat cake..the ganache not really smooth


Red Velvet Marble Cheese Brownies

This is my first attempt baking red velvet cake.. at first I really didn’t know what is red velvet cake, but after finished baking, the cake turn soooo good.. 🙂 Thanks to the tuan punya resepi Kak Maz to share with us. I made this during my birthday lat month, on 11-01-11..  🙂

The colour should be more darker, but I don’t have the red color, only pink color available at home.. 😀 The photo might not look yummy.. but the taste….. speechless.. ehehehe..

Enjoy the recipe as I do..  Selamat mencuba!

Bahan-bahan (loyang 4 segi 7×7 inci) –but I make it round

  • 125g + 1 sudu besar tepung serba guna (all purpose flour) @ tepung kek/tepung halus
  • 1/2 sudu kecil garam
  • 60g mentega – suhu bilik
  • 110g gula halus
  • 1 biji telur saiz A – suhu bilik
  • 1/2 sudu kecil essen vanilla
  • 120ml susu segar – suhu bilik
  • 1/2 sudu besar jus lemon @ 1 sudu besar sunquick oren – I used lemon juice
  • 1/2 sudu kecil pewarna merah
  • kurang sikit dari 1/2 sudu kecil coklat emulco
  • 1/2 sudu kecil cuka
  • 1/2 sudu kecil baking powder

Lapisan Cheese

  • 200g cream cheese – suhu bilik –
  • 1 biji telur saiz B@A – suhu bilik
  • 60g gula galus
  • 1 sudu besar jus lemon


1. Panaskan oven suhu 170 C. Alas loyang dengan paper sheet. Biar kertas lebih dari loyang, senang nak keluarkan kek nati.

2. Satukan susu segar dan jus lemon, biarkan 5 minit.

3. Ayak tepung dan garam. Ketepikan.

4. Dalam mangkuk, pukul mentega hingga berkrim, masukkan gula dan pukul lagi dalam 2-3 minit. Kemudian masukkan telur dan vanilla, pukul sebati.

5. Satukan susu segar, pewarna merah dan coklat emulco. Kacau sebati.

6. Masukkan tepung dan campuran susu segar tadi secara bergilir-gilir dengan didahulu tepung dan diakhiri dengan tepung juga dalam adunan mentega. Habiskan dalam 3x tuang.

7. Satukan cuka dan baking powder, biar sehingga keluar buih, kemudian masukkan dalam adunan kek dan kacau sekata. Simpan 2 sudu besar adunan untuk buat marble.

8. Tuang dalam loyang dan bakar selama 30 minit atau sehingga masak. Keluarkan dari oven dan boleh la sediakan lapisan cheesenya.

Lapisan Cheese


1. Putar cream cheese sehingga berkrim, kemudian masukkan gula dan putar lagi. Masukkan jus leman dan telur. Putar biar sekata.

2. Tuang atas kek dan amik bancuhan yang disimpan tadi masukkan dalam plastik bag atau buat kelongsong guna paper sheet, pastu gunting sikit hujungnya biar ada lubang kecil, kemudian picit atas lapisan cheese buat garisan melintang, kemudian tarik turun guna lidi satay agar jadi lorek seakan berpetak-petak gitu.

3. Bakar selama 30-35 minit dengan suhu 150 C atau bergantung pada oven masing-masing dengan kaedah steam bath (masukkan loyang kek dalam loyang yang berisi air panas mendidih ye, bkn suam2, macam nak bakar cheesekek, tujuannya agar kek tetap moist dan tidak kering). Sejukkan betul-betul sebelum dipotong.(Sejukkan didalam petisejuk 2-3 jam). Kemudian keluarkan dan biar seketika dengan suhu bilik sebelum dihidangkan.


My Red Velvet Marble Cheesecake