Ending of Ramadhan..

In 2/3 more days all Muslims will be celebrating eidul-fitri..seems too fast Ramadhan passing by.. we managed to fasting for 17 days in Malaysia before we came back here…of course the most thing will be missed is bazar ramadhan everywhere..while here we have weekend bazar that being held by Malaysian students and PR at Malaysia Hall. But me with big family feel it’s quite pricey. I am saving a lot if I just cook for the family.. :p

Since we reached here, I am all alone taking care for the kids and doing house chores.my mom did not following us this time around.. 😦 that makes me a bit tired ..but still I managed baking 3 type of biscuits already. πŸ™‚

Till the next update, Selamat berpuasa!

Home sweet home..

Alhamdullilah..we arrived Melbourne 17th August, 11.30pm local time from Kl.. although I felt sad leaving hometown but it just feel good to be back here again πŸ™‚ it is not that ‘kacang melupakan kulit’…but more to leave behind all the ‘kacau bilau’ .. :p
We suffered jetlag for 4 days including the kids! Luckily Aisyah and Aliyah managed to wake up early for school last monday..I’m still doing cleaning up and washing piles of laundry that we left before we went back to malaysia. Plus all the bedsheets that being used by our ‘short-term tenant’ .. we rent our house as transit house while we in Malaysia. Alhamdullilah the house is in good conditions.

I am still unable to blog from my computer..we yet do not have internet connection in the house. My husband still searching for the cheapest n affordable rate …hmmm..makes me really hard to use his ‘smartphone’ to blog..certain key I would not be able to click,scroll etc..soo many things wanted to write down but difficulty to type..haiyaaa…. :p

So till the next update, good day!

Counting days again…

huhuhu.. almost 2 months now and it’s time for us to leave Malaysia again.. 😦 quite sad but at the same time looking forward Β too to meet my friends back there and lived in a proper way.. πŸ™‚ Β I’ve been staying at my mom’s and in-laws house up and down throughout our time here due to our house has been rented out.. I’m unable to cook proper meal for the kids and most of the time here we just bought the foods.. ehehe.. very unhealthy for the kids .. hopefully I managed to get back my housewife routine and cook for my family.. πŸ™‚

we are leaving this 17th of August, still soo many things need to be done and buy.. and in ramadhan, I am just going to rest at home during day time, so kena laa buat kerja time lepas buka sahaja.. ehehe.. To all muslim out there, happy fasting and wishing this Ramadhan will be better than previous ramadhan.. amin.. Ramadhan al-mubarak..

Till then, good day!