It’s been sooooo long I wanted to write on this entry.. soo much to say about the kids but sooo little time and energy to write.. As you know, I am all alone without my mom’s help here now.. It’s very tiring and challenging taking care of the kids and house.. started early morning, my job will only end after en suami arrived home late at night and serving dinner,do some washing, around 11pm.. uhukkk.. PENATNYA!

Tak payahla membebel pasal kerja.. lagi penat dibuatnyaa.. ๐Ÿ˜›ย  It’s been a month + we’ve arrived back here.. the kids has been settling down, but the family has been caught by stomach flu, cough and cold.. It’s a changing season to spring and many of us started to get sick, diarrhea etc.. some of my friends told me that if you did not get sick during winter time, you will get sick at the end of the season?? not sure if it’s true on not.. but this is our 2nd year we facing the same issue.. luckily this year wasn’t so bad as last year..

Aisyah has been doing well in her school last week..she has won book cover competition in her class and again for student of the week.. this is the second time in the year she got that award..congrats my dear girl!

Aisyah with her cert and present from the teacher


This coming october will be her 7th birthday..I am trying to bake a princess cake for her..It would be my first attempt, hopefully it turn out ok.. eheheh.. ๐Ÿ˜›

Aliyah just recover from cough and flu last two weeks.. 1 week absent from school..Alhamdulillah now she’s fine and healthy again..lately she’s been saying that she does not like to go to school..because she don’t like writing.. well for 5 years old girl they just want to play and have more fun..I just told her that it’s ok if you don’t want to write as long as you would be able to read that’s just fine.. nanti asyik paksa jee ke skolah takut boring pulak budak ni.. Besides school, she likes to talk a lot.. this is one ofย  her spontaneous video.


ok..another two little girls will update later.. housewife jobs need to be done.. eheheh… ๐Ÿ˜›

till the next update, good day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Lontong Goreng

Dah puas makan rendang, sayur lodeh dan macam-macam makanan raya lagi.. sini tak laa banyak masak pun.. tapi kenyang la jugakkk makan berkali-kali. ๐Ÿ™‚ ada lebihan nasi himpit tu boleh laa masak resepi ni.. lontong goreng dari Kak Fida@MyResepi.ย  Dah dua -tiga kali masak lontong goreng ni.. simple dan sedap.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Lontong Goreng

Kalau orang datang pun boleh masak ni bagi jamu tetamu makan.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Ok, here’s the resepi.. thank you again kak Fida! Saya copy paste resepi ye..

Lontong Goreng

Source: Kak


  • sepinggan lontong,ketupat atau nasi himpit yg telah didadu kasar2
  • 1 senduk cili kisar(lebihkan jika suka pedas)
  • 1 biji bawang besar kisar
  • 3 ulas bawang putih kisar
  • 1 hiris halia kisar
  • 200 g daging/ayam cincang
  • 200 g udang hidup – kupas kulit
  • 3 sb sos tiram
  • 2 sb sos tomato
  • 2 sb kicap manis
  • daun sop,daun bawang – hiris
  • 1/2 cawan bawang goreng
  • 2-4 biji telur
  • minyak masak utk menumis
  • garam dan gula secukup rasa


  1. Satukan semua bahan yg dikisar.Panaskan minyak dan tumis bahan kisar hingga garing.Masukkan daging /ayam cincang dan udang dan gaul rata dan masukkan sos tiram,sos tomato dan kicap.Tambahkan garam dan gula secukup rasa dan gaul lagi.
  2. Masukkan lontong dan gaul hingga sebati dan 1/2 bahagian daun sop,daun bawang dan 1/2 bahagian bawang goreng,gaul lagi.
  3. Pecahkan telur ke atas lontong goreng dan gaul sebati dan masak hingga lontong bersalut dgn telur hingga kering,kacau sentiasa.
  4. Ketika menghidang,tabur lagi dgn daun sop,daun bawang dan bawang goreng.Sedap dimakan ketika panas atau ketika telah sejuk.

p/s: kalau nak pedas bole juga tambah cili potong..


Till the next update, good day! ๐Ÿ™‚

Salam Aidilfitri

Alhamdullilah, Aidilfitri tahun ini disambut dengan bersederhanaan sahaja kami anak beranak.. genap 30 hari kami berpuasa tahun ini..

aisyah,aliyah and arifa..

lepas gambar terus cabut tudungg.. ๐Ÿ™‚


Ok,till the next update, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri dan maaf zahir Dan batin dari kami sekeluarga buat semua yang mengenali kami serta pembaca blog ini..