Happy 7th Birthday Aisyah Sofia!

Alhamdulillah, last 26th October was her 7th birthday.. She’s been waiting for the day for ages, crossing the dates since september..ehehe..Β  We had few friends came for her birthday party on Sunday..Thank you for all the presents and came to our humble house..

Early morning before going to school..

Her Birthday cake..my firts attempt making edible image cake..

Barbie edible image on top of whipped cream is a NO! it makes the edible not smooth.. πŸ˜›

Then last Sunday, we invited their friends to join celebrating her 7th birthday party.. Thanks again to all that came to our house. Surely the kids had so much fun! Aliyah keep remind me for her birthday (which is faarrrr away in March πŸ™‚ ) to invite her Melayu friends .. hehe..Β  πŸ™‚ It was my first attempt too making a princess cake from scratch! But I would say it’s all worth it as Aisyah likes it so much and the cake finished in 2 days only.. πŸ™‚

My first attempt of princess cake.. lupa laa nak amik gambar ..

make devils choc cake as a base, and choc cake for the princess, with butter icing

this is the inside of the cake.. I use giant cupcake mould to make the dress..

My friend took the picture of the cake..Thank you!


some of the friends who came.. papanyaa lupaa nak ambil gambar! iskk..


Again, Happy birthday my dear daughter! May you become a good, solehah, healthy and wise girl.. Amin.Β  Love you always!

Till the next update, good day! πŸ™‚

ni sapaaa punyaa birthday sapa tiup lilinn haaa.. πŸ™‚



It’s been sooooo long I wanted to write on this entry.. soo much to say about the kids but sooo little time and energy to write.. As you know, I am all alone without my mom’s help here now.. It’s very tiring and challenging taking care of the kids and house.. started early morning, my job will only end after en suami arrived home late at night and serving dinner,do some washing, around 11pm.. uhukkk.. PENATNYA!

Tak payahla membebel pasal kerja.. lagi penat dibuatnyaa.. πŸ˜›Β  It’s been a month + we’ve arrived back here.. the kids has been settling down, but the family has been caught by stomach flu, cough and cold.. It’s a changing season to spring and many of us started to get sick, diarrhea etc.. some of my friends told me that if you did not get sick during winter time, you will get sick at the end of the season?? not sure if it’s true on not.. but this is our 2nd year we facing the same issue.. luckily this year wasn’t so bad as last year..

Aisyah has been doing well in her school last week..she has won book cover competition in her class and again for student of the week.. this is the second time in the year she got that award..congrats my dear girl!

Aisyah with her cert and present from the teacher


This coming october will be her 7th birthday..I am trying to bake a princess cake for her..It would be my first attempt, hopefully it turn out ok.. eheheh.. πŸ˜›

Aliyah just recover from cough and flu last two weeks.. 1 week absent from school..Alhamdulillah now she’s fine and healthy again..lately she’s been saying that she does not like to go to school..because she don’t like writing.. well for 5 years old girl they just want to play and have more fun..I just told her that it’s ok if you don’t want to write as long as you would be able to read that’s just fine.. nanti asyik paksa jee ke skolah takut boring pulak budak ni.. Besides school, she likes to talk a lot.. this is one ofΒ  her spontaneous video.


ok..another two little girls will update later.. housewife jobs need to be done.. eheheh… πŸ˜›

till the next update, good day! πŸ™‚

Second term begin…

Pejam celik dah habis cuti sekolah budak-budak ni lebih 2 minggu.. Today started the second term of the school and the girls are all excited! Mana taknyaa.. cuti tak kemanaa langsung except weekend outing only.. the father really busy with the studies.. coz he need to finished all the lab before we went offΒ  ‘Balik Kampung’Β  next June.. πŸ™‚Β  need to save some money for ‘cuti-cuti malaysia’ for two months..hehehe.. sebenarnya mak dia yg tak sabar nak balik.. PENAT ok.. πŸ˜›

With the new term begin, my mom also will be going back home after almost a year with us.. She’ll be leaving on 8th May.. huhuhu.. few more days to go.. then after a month will be our turn.. πŸ™‚

This morning when I sent them to school.. there’s a big board at the front of their school gate..

nampak tak muka sapa kat dalam tu…

dekat sikit..perasan tak tu..

ehehe…glamer gitu anak mama sorang ni..:P

macam besarr jee dari budak2 lain kan..

wahh.. terpampang muka dia dlm class .. πŸ™‚ I wanted to take her picture next to the banner.. maluuu la pulakkk.. πŸ˜€

Till the next update, good day!

Kids Progress..

Aliyah did her assesment test yesterday. For Prep student here, they have to undergo some test to see their ability in numerical, and words. She did pretty well despite she did not go to any of kinder last year. She’s only attend once a week playgroup session for 2 hrs yet she still can count, write nicely,able to identify letters draw and read by the pictures. And she’s not even 5 years old until this 18th March!Β Β  I’m just a SAHM here, while hubby’s allowance is just enough for basic need.Β  Thank God what a brilliant girl I have and I also did some teaching, watching the educational VCDs also could courage them to learn, ie. Sesame Street CD, Elmo’s world, and many more..

At the city center..Pose macam model!


Aisyah is totally different from Aliyah.. She’s more into sport person. While I waiting to see Aliyah’s teacher yesterday, I saw her playing lari-lari with bunch of boys! I called her and asked why don’t you play with her girl friends.. and she said the girls do not want to play that! She’s sooo active in school, running, likes tennis, play ball, jumping.. not sure if I should let her doing that more seriously..maybe become tennis player one day? hhmm..But she also has developed her reading skills and spelling as well.. she can read on her own and good in doing maths.. so well done Aisyah!

At the Myer during Christmas sale


Alima is going to be 3 tomorrow! I did not send her Kinder this year..too small and she still on her diaper. Here, if you want to send the kids, they should be diaper free..heehe..unlike Malaysia, we still let our kids on diaper to kinder, cikgu pun malas nak antar budak ke tandas.. kalau umur 3-4 tahun laa…kalau dah 5 tahun haruslahh dah tak pakai diaper.. πŸ˜›Β Β  So this year planning to get her on potty train.. once a day I did to her in the morning.. sheΒ  weewee then only she told me .. :>Β  I’m planning to teach her writing, need to buy the book for her, and she started to draw some pictures too! Can count 1-20, A-Z, still in the learning of identifying letters.. you go girl! πŸ™‚

Big baby Alima!


Arifa….. little girl who can becomeΒ  a big monster! eheheh.. her favourite is gigit orang! Habis kakak-kakak dia kena gigit including the mother! sakit ok dia gigitt.. tak ingat punya.. veryyyy cerdik nowadays.. she can know what we asked her to do, calling all her sisters name..the landlord punya anak kat belakang ni pun pandaii disebutnya! she 1 1/2 years old now.. but I see her more mature than her age.. can hold the pencil like older kids, trying to count like her sister 1-10.. and she still breastfeeding..hopefully can continue till she’s 2 years old.. Ifa and Ima always have a fight..like a big kids fight! pushing, tarik rambut, sampai menangis laa.. I guess they are jealous with each other..as they are only 1 years apart.. pantang sorang tengah manja dengan kita, mulalah sorang lagi datang mengacau.. 😦   Will try not to differentiate and be equal to them.

Smile always!


So, that’s about them.. πŸ™‚Β Β  Till next time!

Celoteh anak dara

Yesterday I wear my old long maternity dress.. and suddenly Aisyah and Aliyah had a conversation:

Aisyah, “Mama your tummy look kurus a bit..is it the baby is going to out?”

Me: with a blurr face ” There’s no baby in my tummy.. enough with 4 of you girls”

Aisyah, “Ooohh..please another one more..boy, we don’t have boy yet..so 4 girls and 1 more boy..

sambil Aliyah juga menyampuk mengiyakan Aisyah..

haiii..ada 4 ni pun dahh cukupp laa..walau takder anak lelaki.. πŸ˜› budak2 sekarang kecik2 lagi dah pandai bercakap..ingat senang nak keluarkan baby boy ke girl..ehehehe…

p/s-alamak..buncit benor agaknyaa perut mama diorang ni.. ehehe.. πŸ˜›


during kids tennis day Australian open..